To provide audit and consulting services to any organization engaged in construction that seeks external resources, expertise, or industry-specific experience to supplement their own project and cost control efforts. It is our goal to deliver our services in the highest professional and most ethical manner possible for the purpose of developing long-term business relationships that are based upon trustworthiness, integrity, and honesty. Finally, and most importantly, we will strive to fully satisfy all client objectives and create a high level of confidence and value in the services that we provide.

In simple terms, the services that we provide are aimed at minimizing problems associated with construction costs. We accomplish that objective through both cost avoidance and cost recovery efforts so that our clients get the most value out of each construction dollar spent. The best time to bring us into the fold, is prior to the start of the project, because cost avoidance measures are easier to achieve (and more impactful) than trying to recover monies at project completion through a post-project audit process. Though post-project cost recovery efforts can be costly and time-consuming, they are often worth the investment because the amounts saved or recovered are typically much greater than cost invested to produce the savings.

EXISTING clients are those that understand the inherent risks associated with contracting for construction services. Thus, they are committed to being proactive by providing the necessary resources to enhance the probability of successful project outcomes. In short, they are fully engaged in all aspects of cost mitigation and risk avoidance. Fully engaged and proactive organizations:

  1. Develop and refine best practice construction contracts
  2. Implement strong project controls (including Contract Administration)
  3. Engage regularly in pricing reviews of Payment Applications and Change Orders during the construction process.
  4. Routinely conduct project audits (Pre-Contract, Interim and Close Out Reviews)

WiszCo regularly provides construction audit and consulting services to organizations for the purpose of helping them achieve their cost control objectives. These services are provided throughout all phases of the entire construction lifecycle (and include the specific areas shown above).

Potential NEW clients typically do NOT fully understand the inherent risks associated with contracting for construction services. Thus, they may not be familiar with or fully understand the type of services that we offer or how it could benefit them.