WiszCo’s technical skills are drawn from extensive experience in performing construction audits on a regular basis over the past 35+ years.
When choosing a construction audit professional, it would be wise to strongly consider service providers who have “been there and done that.” For over 35 years, John Wisz (as part of both R.L. Townsend & Associates and WiszCo, LLC) and his team, have been actively engaged in providing Construction audit and cost control services to Owners and Developers. These services have been provided on a nation-wide basis to a wide variety of organizations and industries. These include both public and private sector organizations and institutions. From time to time, we have also been hired by General Contractors and Construction Managers to assist them in either evaluating their internal control process or to perform construction audits of their subcontractors (each of which is intended to allow them to better serve their Owner Clients). In short, Construction Auditing and Cost Control are the core competencies of WiszCo, LLC.
John Wisz is classically trained accounting professional with a degree from the University of Oklahoma. While not actively practicing Public Accounting, John has also passed the uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination. In addition, John is also a Certified Construction Auditor and a Certified Construction Control Professional as promulgated by the National Associated of Construction Auditors.
Since 1988, Mr. Wisz has been engaged in public speaking and related training for construction audit professionals seeking to improve their construction audit knowledge and audit skills. John has led in excess of 100 training programs (conferences and multi-day seminars) for various professional organizations. This specifically includes the “Institute of Internal Auditors” where their program entitled “Effective Auditing of Construction Activity” was exclusively led by either John Wisz or Rich Townsend for 25+ years. In addition, John has also taught numerous programs for various organizations (both public and private) on an “in-house” basis. Since 2010, Mr. Wisz has been a regular and featured presenter for the National Association of Construction Auditors and the Construction Audit and Cost Control Institute.
WiszCo’s technical skills are drawn from extensive experience in performing construction audits on a regular basis over the past 35+ years. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that if you do something often enough and on a repetitive basis – one’s skill set should improve with repetition. Like hitting a baseball or playing a piano, repetition is the foundational anecdote for skill improvement. Coupled with experience, changing environments and new technologies, our overall business acumen remains steady while allowing for the adoption of new technical skills. This has allowed WiszCo to continually refine, hone and craft their technical skills over the course of many years to continuously deliver audit results with great proficiency.